Introductiong WP-Trivia, a Jeopardy Style Theme for WordPress


Two years ago while planing WordCamp Detroit 2011, the organizers and I decided to host a WordPress trivia game. Attendees could answer trivia questions about WordPress and get prizes, much like Jeopardy. Naturally, being web designers we decided a WordPress website was needed to facilitate the game. Despite the quick turnaround time (three days) I offered to build the website and felt like a standard theme, splitting questions and answers into posts and post excerpts would be lackluster. So I threw together a quick a dirty theme that closely resembled Jeopardy. It worked well for the one day event, but wasn’t particularly ready for distribution. Afterward, we received many requests to make it a stand alone theme. Thinking this was a good idea, we decided we would clean it up and release it, but alas… as it’s 2013 you can guess what happened… the best laid plans of mice and men.

Fast forward a year and a half, I met a talented developer named Ryan Levin who was entering into the world of WordPress. He was looking for a project to work on and it occurred to me our Trivia theme might be a good challenge. I championed him to finish the project, which he did with little effort a few months later. He delivered the theme in January, fully functional — documentation and all. This was perfect except for one pesky little thing, I had just broke my wrist.

When you type for a living and break your typing tool it takes a long time to get back on track. So here we are. Now it’s August and I’m finally getting around to releasing it (sorry Ryan!) TJ, Anthony and I had a good idea in 2011, but Ryan was the maestro who made this theme simple, usable and elegant.


WP-Trivia Features Include:

  • Create a potentially infinite number of questions and categories that display on gameboards
  • Just like in Jeopardy, questions can range from 100-500 in difficulty
  • Second board with questions ranging from 600 – 1000 in difficult
  • Advanced difficulty questions

For the techies among you, WP-Trivia is made entirely with jQuery, PHP and CSS3 with only a single image file. The theme comes with a built-in tutorial and F.A.Q. making it something even a relatively new WordPress user can put together with ease! Plus I made it flat design so I could be trendy, bwah. The theme is not responsive yet, but it will be.


You can currently download the theme here
