about 3.7 designs

Digital marketing and web design for B2B technology companies

problems we solve

Do you have an in-house marketing team with ambitious goals like…

A hiker looking over a sunset

Telling your brand story.

Generating massive demand.

Acquiring highly qualified leads.

Exceeding sales targets.

A chart depicting 3.7 Designs' capabilities including: Strategy, Digital Marketing, Web Development, Marketing Technology, Web Design, and Branding
Three specialist agencies in one

That’s where we come in.

We’re not a web design company that does marketing. We’re not a marketing agency that designs websites.

We’re three specialist agencies in one – uniquely strong in marketing, development, and design, backed by expert strategy.

We’re better together

Ready for high-impact ROI working with a team of experts you can trust?

Reach out to us. We’d love to hear more about your project.

A butterfly exiting a mobile device as a metaphor for digital marketing
What does 3.7 stand for?

What does 3.7 stand for, and why are butterflies everywhere?

One of the most common questions we’re asked is the story behind our name. Usually, people wager a guess, some of the answers we’ve heard include:

  • 3.7 was our grade point average in college (Good, but not quite 4.0)
  • Something related to the 37 Signals app, now known as Basecamp (Nope, we were unaware of the company when we got started)
  • 37 was the number of our favorite ball player (We respect former pitcher Dave Stieb, but weren’t huge Blue Jay’s fans)
  • We haven’t reached 3.8 in our release cycle
enough suspense

So what does 3.7 really stand for?

In chaos theory, there’s a concept called the Butterfly Effect. It’s a hypothesis that one small action can cause a chain reaction, resulting in much larger differences in a later state.

The classic example is a butterfly flapping its wings which could, in theory, change weather patterns on the other side of the world.

In mathematical terms, there’s a formula that maps population growth: pt+1 = ((K – pt)/K)*(1 + r)*pt = ((K – pt)/K)*s*pt.

When the multiplier S reaches 3.7 in this formula, the population jumps in an unexpected, non-linear way.

At 3.7 Designs, we apply the concept of the butterfly effect to business. Creating small inputs and changes (like a website refresh or a new marketing campaign) to generate exponentially bigger and better results (like business growth, lower overhead, higher website rankings, etc.).

A telescope looking into the night sky
what drives us everyday

Ross Johnson

Founder / Strategist

Declan O’Neill

Head of Operations

John Castellese

Senior Developer

Chris Valle

Project Manager

Melanie Dunn

Digital Marketing Specialist

Rami Hassan

Rami Hassan


Aaron Marsden

Aaron Marsden

Marketing Developer

Jack Avakian

Campaign Manager

Core values that define and guide us

care, a lot
continual improvement
love your craft
remote… and local

Where you can find us

While we started in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we’re now a fully remote team with members from across the United States and even Brazil!

We still have a soft spot for Ann Arbor and have several team members in the area. After all, it’s a great city in a state with a rich history in design and technology innovation. Herman Miller, William Hewett, and Larry Page were all born here.

Representation of a digital marketing system